Shopping Gas!

ranting-and-ravingWhy is it that when you go to Wal-Mart or any other chain store like it, you can’t just go in and buy what is on your list?! I mean I can go in there… list in hand…determined that I am ONLY buying what is on my list…No sir…nothing extra this time…and I walk out with a new shirt! It’s like a disease or something. If it says SALE then we have to look! I have even tried wearing hats and sunglasses as shopping blockers people! I have even taken my husband but he walks out with something, even if it’s that extra bag of cookies!!! I think it’s some kind of gas or something we know nothing of…some kind of shopping gas! Am I the only one with this disease or are there others? I see men and women with carts overflowing and it’s not just with food…and when it is with food, you know all of it wasn’t on the list! Come on, it’s not just stuff you forgot either. I mean you can blame some of it on that but not ALL of it! I even bought a roll of duct tape one time…and pencils, just because they were on sale! I didn’t need the pencils, but what the hell…it was a good deal! Was it a good deal…or was it the shopping gas?!!! Surely it’s the gas because we wouldn’t just randomly buy things that we don’t need just to be buying things…not us…right???

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